Cee, December 23. XEAL celebrated with great success the Christmas Party with which closed the events commemorating the 120th anniversary of the company and the 30th anniversary of Energo-Pro. The party, which was held in the Auditorium of Vimianzo last Friday, was in charge of the prestigious company of Pablo Méndez [...]
Corporate Social Responsibility
Cee, June 11, 2024 - XEAL celebrates the 30th anniversary of its first AENOR first certification. This morning, the director of AENOR in the Atlantic Region, Martín Pita, presented María Couto, XEAL's CEO, with an award for this commitment. The first certificate obtained by XEAL was the ISO [...]
Cee, March 7, 2024 - Equal opportunities in the work environment and conciliation are the backbone of the people management policy developed by XEAL. During Women's Week, the company highlights the work of the women who are part of the team. The company, which operates in [...]
Cee, December 22, 2023 - Xeal, Xallas Electricidad y Aleaciones, recently awarded the prizes of its "IV Christmas Card Competition, Xeal 2023", open to company employees' children and grandchildren aged between 4 and 10 years. A total of 25 children took part in this year's edition.
Cee, October 31, 2023.- XEAL has donated laboratory equipment to three high schools in the region: Manuela Rial de Mouzo, Agra de Raíces and Fernando Blanco. This donation is part of the company's commitment to the region's social, educational and cultural development . The material has [...]
Cee, May 18, 2023 - This week, a group of 30 students from the 12 de Outubro High School in Ourense visited XEAL's Santa Uxía I and II, Novo Pindo and Castrelo power plants, as well as the Castrelo substation. The pupils, who are studying vocational training qualifications in Electricity, expressed their interest in learning about[...]