"At XEAL we seek to be a reference in the sectors in which we operate, through innovation and excellence, creating value in a sustainable manner"

Our values


The birth of XEAL as an independent company, in August 2019, comes linked to a series of commitments.:

Sustainable development

Both responsibility and sustainability are fundamental pillars of XEAL's culture.

For this reason, it is committed to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, establishing and incorporating these SDGs in its Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Policy.

It is a responsible business conduct to management policies and systems.

Specifically, XEAL has identified the following SDGs as critical and a priority in its Future Plan, both because of the impact it can have on these Sustainable Development Goals through its activity, and because of its sense and commitment to social responsibility.

  • Health and Safety: SDG 3 (Health and Integrity)
  • People: SDG 5 (Gender Equality) SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth)
  • Efficiency and Productivity SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure)
  • Environment: SDG 7 (clean and non-polluting energy) (clean energy, hydropower and lower CO2 consumption, decarbonization), SDG 13 (climate action)
  • Social Responsibility: SDG 17 (Partnerships to Achieve the Goals) (collaboration and sponsorships, donations)

Objectives that are closely related to its four strategic axes, namely: maximum commitment to health and safety in all activities and tasks carried out by employees; respect for the environment and compliance with environmental regulations; long-term care and maintenance of assets; and improved efficiency and productivity for increasing competitiveness.

COMMUNITY: Sponsorships, grants, collaborations and subsidies

XEAL maintains a strong commitment to the region within the framework of its ESG and corporate social responsibility criteria.

These solidarity actions are part of the cooperation and aid measures that XEAL has been promoting in recent years, in which the company has collaborated with organizations, public administrations and institutions.

XEAL's objective is to continue collaborating with its catchment area.

Organizations, entities and administrations XEAL collaborates  with:


  • AFAFES (Association of Families of Alzheimer Patients)  
  • APEM (Association for the Mentally Ill)
  • Brens Cultural Association
  • Cee City Council
  • Dumbría Local Authority
  • Mazaricos City Council
  • Vimianzo City Council
  • Caritas
  • Xunqueira Festivities Commission
  • Red Cross
  • Fernando Blanco High School
  • Parish Church of Santa María da Xunqueira
  • Fernando Blanco de Lema Foundation
  • Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade
  • UDC (University of A Coruña)
  • FEUGA (Galician Business-University Foundation)
  • University of Vigo


The quality and environmental certifications are listed below.

It should be noted that the Cee and Dumbría plants hold the Integrated Environmental Authorization issued by the Xunta de Galicia.




Energy management

Occupational health and safety


The Cee and Dumbría plants hold the Integrated Environmental Authorization issued by the Xunta de Galicia.

ISOs and other certifications

ISO 9001: Quality Certification

ISO 14001: Environmental Certification

ISO 50001: Energy Management Certification

ISO 45001: Health and Safety Certification

EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme)

ISO 50001:2018 (AENOR/IQNET)

APRL - 2021/0170 (AENOR)

VDM-06/030 (AENOR)

VDM-06/041 (AENOR)

ISO 14001:2015 (AENOR/IQNET)