XEAL, Xallas Electricidad y Aleaciones, in its commitment to safeguarding the health and safety of its workers and business activity, has reacted responsibly and promptly to the threat of the coronavirus since March 2, when it began to implement action protocols.

Key measures adopted to date include preventive quarantine for 50% of the workforce on a rotating basis in 14-day periods; working from home in all possible cases; the acquisition of for 21 laptops for employees for this purpose; and the maintenance of full remuneration for the entire workforce, including workers who remain in preventive quarantine.

This entire protocol, consulted with the Works Committee and approved by UGT and CGT members, was put in place before the Government decreed the state of alarm.

Although it is difficult to predict when normality will return, the company has shown its firm commitment to adopt, at all times, the best possible decisions to maintain activity and employment, even in the face of low market demand, which has been severely affected globally by the pandemic.

In this regard, and taking into account the Government's forecasts on the duration of the state of alarm, XEAL 's management today informed the Works Committee and the union representatives of its intention to submit a proposal for a furlough scheme, which will be applied as long as this exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 crisis continues, and will maintain the rotational work system in such a way that the furlough will affect the workers who are in the 14-day preventive quarantine rotation and will not be applicable to the workers who are in the 14-day activity rotation, in place since March 13.

The furlough would therefore affect the workforce on a rotating basis, although employees' salaries will not be affected in any case, since the company will compensate the affected workers up to 100% of their salary.

This initiative is part of the actions taken by the government to support companies and protect their activity in these difficult times.

It should be noted that, among the urgent measures adopted by the Government due to the coronavirus emergency, is the coverage of the unemployment benefit for workers included in the furlough, so that the unemployment contribution will not be exhausted and will be completed in the case of workers who are not entitled to it.

Furthermore, XEAL has offered to support the public administrations and health sector institutions in dealing with the pandemic, to the extent of its possibilities. We are continuing to promote social works and improvements, as well as other initiatives that will be implemented soon so that both workers and the region's residents can get back to normal as soon as possible.  

Alejandro Seco, one of the company's executive directors, sends a message of encouragement to all those who make XEAL a benchmark company each day:

"We have a complicated time ahead for everyone, both in terms of healthcare and economics, but we must keep in mind that we are a solid, viable company that knows how to do its job well and, together,  working actively to achieve our objectives, we will once again be at the forefront as soon as this situation changes and the market recovers."

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