The epidemic generated by the coronavirus (COVID-19 virus), which has been classified as a public health emergency, has led XEAL to implement protocols that guarantee, in compliance with the indications and recommendations offered by the various agencies and competent authorities in the field, the health and safety of workers while meeting its production and economic activity commitments. The measures taken by the company affect both the Cee and Dumbría alloy plants and the ten hydroelectric power plants on the Xallas and Grande rivers and are supported by CGT and UGT members.

To increase worker safety and meet productivity requirements at the Cee and Dumbria plants, the company's production will be concentrated in two furnaces and the teams of workers will be split into full shifts for fourteen days, so that while the first team is at the plants producing, the second team can be in preventive quarantine at home. The furnaces will operate at whatever capacity is necessary to meet production demand and maintain economic activity.

The company has facilitated the option of working from home in jobs where this option is possible, such as administration tasks. In addition, rules have been implemented to avoid crowds in the dining room: there will be a maximum of two diners per table and they must respect the safety distance. The control rooms and desks are also cleaned more thoroughly at the end of each shift.

In the case of the hydroelectric power plants, as in the alloy plants, shifts will be organized in blocks and 14-day preventive quarantine rotations will be carried out to prevent contagion to other workers. In addition, teleworking will be offered to all employees who can work from home.

One of the measures that has been implemented since the beginning of March has been the restriction of visits to XEAL's facilities. In addition, the company has informed the company's Health and Safety Committee of the coronavirus protocol and, with the aim of increasing worker safety, the use of face masks by all personnel will also be encouraged.

Insistence on prevention

The protocols designed by XEAL, which have been gradually implemented since March 2, are focused on guaranteeing constant communication with employees, both verbally and through graphic documents. Employees have been informed of the risk areas to which they should not travel, have been asked to inform the company if they have been in contact with an infected person, and have been explained the hygienic measures advisable to reduce the probability of contagion. In the event that any worker shows any symptoms of the coronavirus, they have been asked to inform the company doctor and follow the instructions offered by the Ministry of Health of the Spanish Government, the autonomous government and local authorities as appropriate.

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