- The aim of this conference is to inform the entire workforce about the KEY MILESTONES IN 2022 and the company's plans for 2023.
- milestones for 2022 include the signing of the "1st XEAL Collective Bargaining Agreement".
- The company has also reported on the progress of the €28M investment plan FOR THE 2019 - 2023 PERIOD .
Cee, FEBRUARY 13, 2023.- XEAL, Xallas Electricidad y Aleaciones, XEAL held the III edition of its Internal Communication Conference, with the participation of executive directors Alejandro Seco and Esther Adroher, as well as the other members of the management team. They informed the company's staff about the evolution of the business and future plans..
The conference took place over two days, in several sessions held at the company's various work centers.
Alejandro Seco, opened the conference, highlighting the company's 4 strategic axes (maximum commitment to safety and health in the performance of the activity of its workers; respect for the environment and compliance with environmental regulations; long-term care and maintenance of assets ; and improving efficiency and productivity for enhanced competitiveness). He also summarized the major milestones for 2022, in particular the signing of Xeal's I Collective Bargaining Agreement, due to its significance in terms of economic, social benefits and health improvements for all employees.
After their intervention, Xeal's executives provided further details of the €28M Investment Plan announced in 2020 - €14M in each of the divisions. To date, investments of €15.5M have already been completed, accounting for 60% of the total committed. By 2023, the company plans to invest €9M, which means that by the end of the current year the company will have practically completed the €28M Investment Plan, which it undertook to carry out on its arrival.
Hermenegildo Franco, Technical Advisor to the Board, presented the strategic projects the company is working on to the staff, which are focused on improving the company's competitiveness as well as the major challenges facing each division.
On the one hand, in the ferroalloys division, new investments will focus on decarbonization and reducing the impact of energy costs on production costs, as these account for more than 50% of total costs.
In the energy division, we are analyzing the construction of a reversible power plant to meet the challenges of the massive integration of renewable energies in line with the requirements of Spain and Europe.
In turn, Esther Adroher, Secretary of the Board, reported on all Regulatory Compliance activities carried out in 2023, focusing especially on the negotiation of the Equality Plan and ESG policies (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance objectives), to which the company is strongly committed.